Discover the wonders of Neurofeedback at home

Multivariate Coherence Neurofeedback, also called Connectivity Neurofeedback, uses 4 channels of EEG to train or strengthen connections in the brain.

MCN is a process through which we can train brains to create and optimize connections, producing higher level behavioral and emotional regulation, once the specific networks needed to create or enhance to meet the goals are identified.

Learn how our NeuroElite Neurofeedback Training can help Improve Your Brain Health.

Comfortable and non-invasive our Multivarient Coherence Neurofeedback (MCN) reads information produced by the brain while the patient participates in a simple activity.

MCN is more precise and accurate than training coherence in pairs (a widely used form of coherence neurofeedback) because it is trains a specified network and areas that contribute to the network of interest. This is accomplished through the high level brain analysis which is then paired with our high level neurofeedback training.

Get Started Today

It’s Your Turn

Take the Steps to a Better Future.


Are you ready for a change?


Order Your Home Training Unit


Brain mapping and NF setup


Set up your Neurofeedback protocol with Dr. Coben.


Receive your eeg amplifier, electrodes, paste and gel and have software and software license installed on your computer at home


Neurofeedback can help Manage Emotional Response.

Neurofeedback can help with better emotional regulation and improve mood stability.

Neurofeedback helps Improve Attention and Focus.

Unlock the power of you brain with Neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback can help Increase Cognitive Function.

Experience improvements in working memory and problem-solving skills.