What Causes Autism?

Simply put, our brains organize the stimuli we encounter to give meaning to our actions. In some cases, the different parts of our brain fail to communicate effectively, and the brain does not produce an organized pattern of brainwaves.

Using data from our QEEG, we look at how the brain operates in real time which allows us to develop a plan that addresses these disconnects (no matter their cause) and helps the brain re-organize how it processes stimuli.

Understanding Autism

Neuroimaging and research has shown that autism is largely a disorder of neuronal connectivity in the brain. Neurofeedback has been used to treat symptoms and maximize the brains health.

The IBH NeuroElite Advantage

Unlike other neurofeedback treatments, our 4-Channel Multivariate Coherence Neurofeedback uses 4 EEG sensors on the scalp, making it faster/more comprehensive vs. other treatments.

Results in individuals with ASD

Our 4-Channel training on individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) proved to be up to 4-times more effective than other forms of neurofeedback. Symptom ratings improved at a 2:1 ratio

“Neurofeedback is a process by which we can re-train our brains to make appropriate connections that produce appropriate behavior. Multivariate Coherence Neurofeedback, also called Connectivity Neurofeedback, uses 4 channels of EEG to train or strengthen connections in the brain.” ~ Dr. Robert Coben